Before I begin my last assigned blog post of the semester I have to admit I am overwhelmed.  All of the things that are due can make a person crazy.

Ok now to talk about my collaborative project with Lindsay Jones. I have to say it has been going very well. We have decided that we are running out of time so we need to do some of the project by ourselves and then add the project together at a later time. Because the semester is ending so quickly it is very hard to have the dialogical approach we started with. We have somewhat of a mix. We have split up the work and are currently working on this project separately.

I’m pretty sure the shortness of time left in the semester would be a big struggle. I feel like there is not enough time left. But somehow I hope it all comes together at the end. I feel the collaboration we have will help us get this done without a problem.  The good thing is we agree on pretty much everything which is easier on us and makes the project a lot smoother.  For the interview part of the project one struggle was trying to find an interviewer. We did have the dietician that works at Rowan. But because of our schedules not working together, because she only works on Wednesday, we decided that she was not the right fit for us.

A win I feel like we had was the interview. Even though finding someone was a little bumpy in the beginning. Once we found Stephanie Lasch everything was up hill from there. She was a very good person to interview. She was very helpful and passionate about the subject. She helped us out so much and said if we still need her we could always call her to get extra information. This was a very nice thing. Although we have not used her any further we may have to call her to ask her some simple questions.

I feel like this project will come together soon. I am just waiting for that to happen!

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