I the article Situating Narrative Inquiry the author talks about narrative inquiry.
 Really what that is reading narratives to get what you are researching about. From my understanding it’s not only reading it can be listening or watching too. This is the collection process of you research.

We can use this in our collaborative research project because we can use narrative inquiry to gain information about something we may not know. We can also use this to refresh our memories on things we may know already.

I read an article for class An Introduction to Qualitative Research. Now the  question is what is qualitative research? My understanding of it is really research that is your own opinion and can be based off of whatever you want.

I took this from the article.

Why people behave the way they do

How opinions and attitudes are formed

How people are affected by the events that go on around them

How and why cultures have developed in the way they have

The differences between social groups

These are all the questions you can ask when doing qualitative research. These can help us understand the world as said in the article. These questions can give you a better grip o what you are researching.

In my collaborative research project theses are great questions to ask myself and they can help me think of a topic. Such as why do people eat what they eat? How do people get their opinions about food and what opinions do they have. How are people affected by the food they eat?

This is a good way to start a project because these collaborative projects are all going to be our own opinions and have bias in the research.

Wendell Berry’s article “The pleasure of eating" was very informative. I liked his steps; they are most of what I do at home already. This is also what I think people should do as well. At our home we have a stand out front of all the vegetables we produce and we sell them for cheap. We grow the vegetables for us and profit made off of them is just extra money to put into growing next year. When the season ends that’s where we don’t have a good diet, and it’s hard to not buy fruits and vegetables from the store. Really where else are you going to get them? I don’t like how politics has taken over the food industry; I think that is one of the things they should say out of. Michael Pollan book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma,” is a good recap to the movie Food Inc. Its scary to think what you eat can kill you. It’s almost like Russian roulette. It makes me think what I get from the grocery store is bad. After reading these two pieces and also watching Food Inc. has made me change how I think about food. What I eat and where I eat it. 

9. I think healthy eating should be a right. If it were up to me everyone would have a farm of animals enough to feed their family. Everyone would have a garden also. I have chickens and cows and I also have a pretty large garden. I love that my family has decided to do this. In the summer I feel much healthier, mostly because of our garden eating the fresh fruits and vegetables that we have grown. In the movie the family who went to the grocery store could not afford broccoli, but they ordered off the dollar menu because it was much cheaper. I think this is very wrong. I don’t think they should be subjected to eating bad food just because they cannot afford good food.

14. Noel Kramers is against labeling food because it can cause fear. This is a crazy statement. I think it should cause fear. This is a very unnatural thing to clone an animal. I want to know where my food is coming from. She can eat it if she wants and if she’s ok with not knowing then that’s her purgative. It is not right for someone to not know where there meat is coming from. I never want to eat cloned meat and I’m thinking now I have probably already eaten it.

15. What happened to freedom of speech in this country, is it even around. I hate how this is a law. It makes me re think who we put in power. I think the people of the United States should have a say in what we eat and if we are not going to eat it. I am so glad that Opera won but what if she did not have money would she have won. You should be able to say whatever you want no matter who you are.


This blog post is about my twitterive and the reflections that my classmates have given me.

I had a lot of good feed back from my twitterive.  I didn’t think it was good; I was very lost at times of what I should do next. Even though it was only five years ago the brain suppresses the bad memories. I do have to go through and add something’s that I have not had time to do so far. I still have the video and I was told to add conversations. I wanted to add the feedback I got on my blog post. I liked all of the feedback and thought it was very informative. Thanks Guys!

Sam Olenowski - Wow, just wow.  I wish you had presented this because it is extremely emotional and I could never imagine. I think you had just the right amount of genres and although the dog and cat part was sooo sad I liked how the before after of your cat worked. I loved how the stairs out of words worked when but thought "I'm finally home" should be written upwards as opposed to down. The only thing I would add would be a conversation with someone in your family or a friend that conveys emotion because this is story is really inspirational.

Kaite Collins - twitterive was very powerful.  I couldn't imagine losing everything I own, including my memories, from a house fire.  To make matters worse, I am a huge animal lover.  To lose pets in something that was completely unexpected must have been heart breaking.  My heart goes out to you and your family.  I love the obituary piece that you used for your animals.  It gave us a view of how much your animals were loved in your family.  Although your theme is your home and family, I feel it is also the idea of rebuilding your memories with your family in a new home.  A lot, maybe even all, of your belongings were lost in the fire and as a family you try to create new memories that are worth remembering.  I would like to see more photos of your family.  I know that you may have lost a lot of pictures in your old home, but maybe you could show us recent photos.  To add another genre, you could also use a "how-to-list."  You could use this list to show how your family as recovered from this devastating fire.

Christie Johnson- Laura had the strongest twitterive in my opinion. I loved how I actually felt what she went through as her house burnt down. I was really touched by how she told the stories of her animals; I almost had a tear come to my eye. She used a variety of genres to tell her story. I like how she took screen shots of het tweets. She still wants to add a video of her walking through the rubble of her house, which I think will work well with her project. I think she’s on the right track and I don’t have anything to have her fix.

All the twitterive's presented were very well done!

Sam Caltabiano
Its based on her family room with relation to her family.
Her mom and dad got a divorce.
i think it needs some more storyline. i don't get to see a lot of the family.
Add how your mom told you about the divorce.
Make a family tree to help us see the characters in the story.
Why are you going to lose the relationship with your dad? How do you feel about it? Show your emotion.
Great start! I like the idea, just keep working at it.

Alexa Kalin
The fight between everyone and her and her fiance.
This is about them finding her dream home.
She decided to build her dream house.
Questions and answers between mom and them
Add more story.
Needs more questions
You can make the wordle bigger.
Good job just add some more stuff, like story line.

Sam Olenowski
The story of her Grandfather that she never met.
He contracted milaria and if he didnt he would have died on a ship.
Good use of photoshop. 
I have nothing bad to say about your project. I think it was very well done and you don't need to add anything.

Michael Youngkin
Place of emotion
The distance between the girlfriend and him
I like not not knowing things.
I really like you twitterive.
The theme of distance
It helps the r
All of the Twitterive's presented in class yesterday were excellent. They all had great story lines. I am going to reflect on all the presentations today.

Stephanie Bowser

Her place was dance. She had a great story line. I loved how she put dance terminology into her piece. Her presentation was well done. I love how she had dance as her place because she feels like she can forget about everything and just dance. That is a great state to be in and I’m glad she found something so powerful to her. I like how she incorporated a wordle. Her video was very moving and powerful. The quotes are a great; she could also make that her repetend. Dance is like a blanket she is comfortable to her.


Darren Gaunt

His twiterive was about a guy sleeping in class and he has a dream about being a little kid again, he foes to daycare. I like how he had the video of a child’s perspective, the texts he created. I think this is a great start he just needs to add a little more story and more from his perspective and it would be great.

David Lucas

Wow is really all I have to say about his twitterive. This was very emotional. I could not imagine going through something like that especially at such a young age. He had a great sense of humor. Very good information. He had a good use of technology; wordle, and prezi. Very emotional pictures. Overall great Twitteive.

Kaite Collins

The loss of relationship with her dad. Good emotional response. Good pros and cons list. I like the letters you wrote very well. Maybe add a little more letters, through the time of growing up. Great poems. Why is the mom absent? Add a little bit more story line. Great Twitterive.

    First my twitterive would have not been possible without twitter, or weebly. Both have had a hand in how my twitterive came about. The things that I have added to my twitterive have gone very well. The pictures uploaded well. I did think at one time that I lost the whole thing due to my computer freezing and me not saving the couple last things on my website. When I went back into weebly the whole thing was not there. So I shut my computer down and preyed. When I got everything back up and running my whole project was there. I was so thankful for that. The only thing I am still having a lot of trouble with is my video that I want to add. I can’t find the right soft ware to edit it. This is a make it or break it video, and it’s very crucial to my project. Overall if I did not have any of this technology today I would not even know what a twitterive was.