In class a couple of students presented their Twitterive's. Below are my reflections to them.
Alissa Francisco:
Her story was the love of softball and how she felt when she quit.
I liked the journal entries of when she played and after she quit. (It was cool how she had them, good draw back)
I liked her quotes throughout. (good way to show you emotion)
The definitions of words were a good choice and that was a great idea.
I liked how she used softball as a person, and broke up with it.
Overall this was a great job by Alissa!

David Reyes:
His place was insomnia.
I liked how it was scattered and hard to follow. It followed with the madness theme.
The comic he used was very interesting.
I liked the way he used his about me, one as normal David and then as his madness character.
This is really about him trying to follow his madness.
Great job also by David!

Christie Johnson:
Outerbanks vacation with family.
Very well organized easy to follow.
Clear place.
I like all the modes of genre she used.
Schedules, lists, maps, menus,pictures.
I like how there are not a lot of words. Pictures are worth 1,000.
I really liked the recipe for the bonfire.
Very clear and well concise twitterive!

Rebecca Crawford:
Three parts with the theme of past present and future.
    Getting a house
        The search
         Getting it ready
          And then finally moving in
    And her 21st birthday
It is organized really well
I like all the six word stories she uses.
Very good job Rebecca!
My characters are: Family and Myself. I am the main character.
What is my story? Genres/ Modes
    My house fire
        Newspaper, video, poems

When does it take place?
    My house Jan 26 2007

    Lived there for years
    The things inside where my home
How do I show:
    Through memories within diffrent genres.

This process really helped me. We talked through my process of creating my twitterive. It’s hard to do it by yourself. It’s easier when you have ideas coming from all angles.

In this blog post I am going to explain my twitterive. I will also go through my process. At the end I have some questions about my twitterive.

For this twitterve I have procrastinated. Not because I wanted to but because it snuck up on me. I knew what I was going to write about, and I had all the material I needed for it. I just had to sit down and put it all together. The best thing I did for this twitterive it really helps me was I planed everything out in my notebook. I wrote what I was going to add and drew pictures and labeled what I was going to add in. This helped me put all the things I wanted add in and it also allowed me to figure out the layout.

For a while I was thinking of what my place was. I think it is my home. I have been going round and round with the idea of home doesn’t matter where you are. It matters where your family is. 

The tweet that helped me figure out what I wanted to write about was "January 26 was the worst day of my life." I figured that I had lots of pictures and newspaper articles. I also wanted to get that story out because it has been bothering me and I have wanted to work it out through my writing. In this I want to figure out the changes I went through and try to work through some of the things I still don't understand.

Some questions I had:
1. Do I have enough story line?
2.Do I have to many pictures?
3. Should I add more genres?
4. Is what I say in my twitterive hard to understand?
5. Do you like it or is it just a waste?

The process of me figuring out what my character I would say was not difficult at all. I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos on monster-in-laws. They were very funny and informative. I wrote this letter in a random way. I didn’t organize it because I thought that it would be funnier because a mother would have random thoughts about the daughter-in-law or son-in-law. The reason I choose the groom as my don because I thought it would be easier to disapprove his wife. Things she dose not to for him, and say what she should do for him. I liked how in class we all collaborated to pull all the parts together, we all were giving ideas, and naming our characters. This was very fun to do; it breaks away from normal boring class work.

    Our class is creating a wedding and I was chosen to be the controlling or disapproving mother. I was tasked to write a letter to my son or daughter expressing my disapproval.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

February 21, 2012

Dear Timothy

My idea of the perfect daughter-in-law is not even close to Michelle. You know how I feel about her, but I felt I had to get this out as a last ditch effort to save you from doing something you WILL regret. I want to tell you the qualities I wish she had and the ones that I think are not good for you. First I think she should be more like me. Michelle is heartless and doesn’t care about you the way I do. She should be catering to your ever whim. I really wish you would have stayed with that nice girl you used to go out with. I called her the other day and asked her how she was doing. She also said she wasn’t busy today so I invited her to the weeding. She is single and still likes you. The next things that she doesn’t do are laundry, or clean the house. To be the best fit for my sweetie she has to do these things, she is a wife these are part of her duties. She is nothing like your former girlfriend who was a fabulous cook and hostess. We aren't party people, so having her around was always a blast, and being invited for dinner was marvelous. I really hope you come to your senses and go back with her. What is with all these tattoos Timothy? What is she a biker chick? I don’t want her around to influence you in to ruining your perfect skin. Do you want to have children with her? If you do they will be little devil spawns. I really hate how we don’t talk she walks in the room without saying hello. Then plops on the couch shoes and all with no manners. She fats and burps, this is not wife material.  It breaks my heart that you have fallen in love with this psycho. I really wish you would take a step back and see her for who she really is. I am really sorry that I had to be the one to tell you this, but always know that I am here for you. Also no matter what happens Mommy always loves you.

I love you,


 In this post I have written two Micro Fiction pieces. In the first piece I have used the line, sitting by the campfire with family from one of my tweets. For the second Micro Fiction I have used the line, “everything I could ever need is here,” also from my tweets.



Going camping with the family is always an adventure. Packing and getting food for the weekend is always fun. You have to make sure you have all your essentials for the weekend. When we get there it’s a race with other family members to see who can unpack their camper first. This weekend was a little different from the rest.  As we were all sitting by the campfire with family, we all looked up and it was a full moon. We stayed away from the weekends with full moons because of what happen next. My Aunt was the first to howl and after that everyone started. My family was now a pack of ware wolfs and no human would survive that night. Every fire was left unattended and bones were left to watch. The next morning we all woke up in our beds to sirens. The police said we were the lucky ones. They told us about the pack of werewolf’s that came in the campground and attacked everyone. The police asked how we survived and my uncle told them that we all didn’t feel good and went to bed early. They never suspected a thing. We quickly packed up and all got in our vehicles. As we drove out we saw everyone’s fires still smoldering and campsites destroyed. I then said to my father “next time there’s a full moon we should stay here again that was fun.”

“The miracle baby”

I wished this day would come for so long. The day I could move out, finally get my own house. It’s my dream house. When we finally got all moved in I sat down with my husband to relax. II then said “everything I could ever need is here.” Days passed and things were going great. Until my husband came home and he had lost his job. He told me that everything would be ok and he would go job hunting first thing in the morning. Days went by and still no job, and then I found out that I was pregnant. It was hard to be happy about a baby; we were running out of money quick. Bills were piling up and now we had no health insurance. The only thing we could think that would be the best choice is move out of our dream house and back in with my parents. It was the hardest day to sell that house but you sometimes have to give things up. The baby came and she was beautiful. I didn’t even care that we had lost our house because the best thing that could have happened was in my arms. She was the miracle baby, after that day nothing bad happened. My husband got his job back and we saved up enough money to buy a bigger better dream house. Sometimes you have to let go of something you love to get something better.

First here are the Tweets I used in my poem.
You never think it could happen to you #twitterive
January 26, 2007 the worst day ever #twitterive
Family 💗 #twitterive
It's hard to leave #twitterive
Everything I could ever need is here #twitterive
Cold #twitterive
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger #twitterive
I hate this #twitterive
So warm and comfortable #twitterive
I'm finally home #twitterive

Now for my poem. (Please read the first part walking down stairs and the second coming up the stairs.)

Never think it could happen to you                              what doesn't kill you makes you stronger                     
                             The worst day ever                      everything I need is here
                                   It's hard to leave                so warm and comfortable
                                                        Cold          Family
                                                    I hate this   I'm finally home

I am writing this blog post from my room. The reason this is my native place is because it is the place I feel most comfortable. I thought long and hard to figure out where it was but all things lead back to my room. I have everything I need in here. If I was told never to leave my room I would be perfectly happy. My bed is my favorite part of my room. The colors on the wall are my favorite colors. My room shows my personality. This is my life!!

Here are my Tweets!!
On Saturday I went into the woods with a couple of my friends for a strange place. Of course I forgot my phone, so my friend took everything I wanted to Tweet in her iPhone. I hate the woods so for me to go in there especially in the dark. It was all new to me, we were tripping over everything (it was so dark). It was a new and exciting experience that I will probably do again, but when it’s light out.

It was very cold; I didn't dress very well for the occasion. We were tripping over fallen trees, and stumps. We heard our feet crunching of the leafs. I am not the best person to go in the woods with because I am always scared, so every little noise was bad. We did have a lot of good laughs that night!! Strange Place experience!!

Here are my Tweets!!
So I have started to come up with ideas about my twitterive. I am
kind of excited about my idea and have never been excited about school like
My idea: I'm going to use my house fire as a story line.
Here's some notes I took about it:
The sound of the smoke detector
The eerie
feeling walking through the house
Always scared to leave things on and it
will happen again
The coldness
going back to school
not a home, the
home feeling is gone
Destiny and her puppies
Going through things
in a room that the floor may fall out from underneath you
"Be careful follow
in my footsteps" Dad
Dad falling of a ladder
Stand by Rascal flatts
I won't let go by Rascal flatts
Family bond
The hotel we stayed at
I still went to prom